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As the weather is getting colder, it gets tempting to stay in that warm blanket instead of getting out there to be active. I am just as guilty of this as anyone else. But fighting this urge and actually getting yourself to engage in some form of active mode to get the blood flowing & your joints moving and a million other reasons is imperative.
If you enjoy some winter sports like skiing or ice hockey, then you are getting yourself some good exercise but for the rest of us, here are 7 easy tips to continue to stay active in the winter:
Tip no. 1:
Join an Indoor Exercise Class:
Indoor Exercise Classes can be a great way to stay active in these cold winter months. Just be careful when picking a class as if you sign up for something that is too intense for you, it could cause some damage to your joints & leave you with aches & pains later. The number of people I work with who would have hurt their back at an exercise class that was too intense for them is countless for me at this point and it is easy to get carried away with the thought of challenging yourself, so be cautious & go gradual!
Tip No. 2:
Home Exercise Workouts:
You could get a good deal of exercises in even at home either following a program of your own or seeking professional help. Either way, do not let not wanting to get out be an excuse to stay active!
Tip No. 3:
Video Visits:
A lot of our clients enjoy our Video Visits where they can easily access specialist help using VideoChat from the convenience of their home. And most importantly, you can take advantage of this program either you are in pain or pain-free now but wish to prevent future episodes, stay at a 100%, avoid pain-pills, injections or surgeries in the long run.
If you are unsure whether Video Visits are right for you: check this blog post here!
You can also watch this Video Case Study here of how a few Video Visit consultations not only helped this college student get pain free but also get back to playing sports & having an active, healthy life!
Tip No. 4
Indoor Swimming Pool:
If you have access to an Indoor swimming pool, now is the time to use it. Getting some water based activity or swimming could be a great way to get more active minutes during the day when the weather is cold!
Tip No. 5:
Use Your Lunch Break:
Schedule a 30 minute brisk walk or jog in the middle of the day when the weather is not too cold and you could use a midday pick me up. This is the perfect way to break the sitting routine of several hours and get some activity in the middle of the day. Especially if you are not a morning person like me, this is the best way to still get exercise in.
Tip No. 6
Indoor Sports:
There are many sports that you can participate in that offer an indoor court that could be used in winters like for example tennis, basketball etc that could be a perfect way to get some winter activity!
Tip No. 7
Do not let Cold weather be an Excuse:
It gets as simple as that. I could write about a million ideas here that could help you stay active in the winter months but the point is you have to find things that work for you & make it a habit to incorporate those in your lifestyle. There is no shortage of Gyms, fitness clubs & other studious that could offer these services to make your life easier but none of this will work if you do not make the decision to hibernate the rest of the winter & get active again only in the spring!
So here you go, here are 7 easy ways to stay active in the cold months and not let the weather dictate your health choices.
Want to learn more?

If you or someone you know experiences this very familiar neck and/or shoulder pain or stiffness, you could request our Free Guide on 5 tips to relieve Back pain & Sciatica
If you would like to take things to the next level, you could fill out our short Inquiry Form here to see if you qualify for a Free Discovery Session with your specialist!
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We also know not everyone is ready to commit to regular physical therapy appointments, and that’s why we offer our Free Information Guide! This Guide is for people in our community who want really valuable, expert information about their Back Pain or Sciatica problems. We know it’s confusing out there with all of the information floating around on Google and Facebook, and this is a valuable first step towards getting some real answers for your problem.
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